Sunday, July 20, 2008

Crescent Moon Walking Stick

This walking stick is made from a single piece of black walnut.


Terry Murray said...

Hey Wayne (it *is* Wayne, isn't it?),
I just swang by after I saw the link on Walt's blog. I love your work, but being a gargoyle fanatic, I'd have to be a sucker for Druids too. And your painting efforts look cool too.

I particularly like this walking stick, but I'd feel I was smothering the old Man in the Moon if I learned on the stick handle...

Terry the Canuck

Anonymous said...

Thank you Terry. But don't worry about this walking stick, he's logged in quite a few miles hiking and seems to enjoy it.

And he wouldn't be smothered, because my walking sticks are tall -- you hold them under the figure. (My "canes" are meant to be held at the top.)